[Linux] PB d'installation sur rpi1

J’aimerai installer une sentinelle sur un vieux rpi1 qui traine dans un tiroir mais j’y arrive pas…
j’ai installer debian 9 strech lite dispo ici https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/
Mais lorsque je lance la cmd pour l’installation j’ai des erreurs http 400
C’est du au rpi qui est trop vieux ou a autre chose?

voici les log:

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Web Platform Installer Bootstrapper 1.8.17258

Welcome to the Constellation Web Platform Installer …
This will install the Constellation Platform on your computer.

You must be a root user to run the Constellation Web Platform Installer !
Restarting installer using sudo …
Checking dependencies …
Whiptail is installed
Python is installed
Python-dev is installed
dirmngr is installed
Mono is installed
Supervisor is installed

Fetching Constellation versions from https://developer.myconstellation.io
–2017-10-05 12:24:18-- https://developer.myconstellation.io/versions?source=install-linux.sh&version=1.8.17258
Résolution de developer.myconstellation.io (developer.myconstellation.io)…
Connexion à developer.myconstellation.io (developer.myconstellation.io)||:443… connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse… 200 OK
Taille : 3520 (3,4K) [application/json]
Sauvegarde en : « /tmp/ConstellationWebPlatformInstaller/versions »

/tmp/ConstellationW 100%[===================>] 3,44K --.-KB/s in 0s

2017-10-05 12:24:18 (9,07 MB/s) — « /tmp/ConstellationWebPlatformInstaller/versions » sauvegardé [3520/3520]

Downloading Constellation Web Platform Installer for Linux …
–2017-10-05 12:24:19-- https://developer.myconstellation.io/download/installers/Constellation-Web-Platform-Installer-1.8.17250.tar.gz
Résolution de developer.myconstellation.io (developer.myconstellation.io)…
Connexion à developer.myconstellation.io (developer.myconstellation.io)||:443… connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse… 200 OK
Taille : 8926 (8,7K) [application/x-gzip]
Sauvegarde en : « /tmp/ConstellationWebPlatformInstaller/Constellation-Web-Platform-Installer-1.8.17250.tar.gz »

/tmp/ConstellationW 100%[===================>] 8,72K --.-KB/s in 0,001s

2017-10-05 12:24:19 (11,1 MB/s) — « /tmp/ConstellationWebPlatformInstaller/Constellation-Web-Platform-Installer-1.8.17250.tar.gz » sauvegardé [8926/8926]

Extracting Constellation Web Platform Installer …
Starting Constellation Web Platform Installer …
Authentication in progress …
Access denied !
Authentication in progress …
Login OK for marmoul 70
Starting ‘install-sentinel.py’ (Beta:False)
Welcome to the Constellation Sentinel Installer

This installer will guide you through the installation of the Constellation Sentinel

Click the OK button to continue.
Checking authentication token …
HTTP Error: 400
Authentication in progress …
Login OK for marmoul 70
Getting Constellation Sentinel Service …
Downloading https://developer.myconstellation.io/download/constellation/Constellation-Sentinel-Service- 70|1507200024|QEJM3ma5dBAxoilJRgdDrPGwnnDXpSYUvuUUD7XN9om|ed47098a11be88b7959ed5bcda532180453e2fa8d65424d66612c1e486942dcb
Unable to download the file ‘https://developer.myconstellation.io/download/constellation/Constellation-Sentinel-Service- 70|1507200024|QEJM3ma5dBAxoilJRgdDrPGwnnDXpSYUvuUUD7XN9om|ed47098a11be88b7959ed5bcda532180453e2fa8d65424d66612c1e486942dcb’. HTTP Error: 400
Fatal error : Unable to download the component Constellation Sentinel Service`

voici les log

   ____                _       _ _       _   _             
  / ___|___  _ __  ___| |_ ___| | | __ _| |_(_) ___  _ __  
 | |   / _ \| '_ \/ __| __/ _ \ | |/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ 
 | |__| (_) | | | \__ \ ||  __/ | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
  \____\___/|_| |_|___/\__\___|_|_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
            Web Platform Installer Bootstrapper 1.8.17258

Welcome to the Constellation Web Platform Installer ...
This will install the Constellation Platform on your computer.

You must be a root user to run the Constellation Web Platform Installer !
Restarting installer using sudo ...
Checking dependencies ...
Whiptail is installed
Python is installed
Python-dev is installed
dirmngr is installed
Mono is installed
Supervisor is installed

Fetching Constellation versions from https://developer.myconstellation.io ...
--2017-10-05 12:24:18--  https://developer.myconstellation.io/versions?source=install-linux.sh&version=1.8.17258
Résolution de developer.myconstellation.io (developer.myconstellation.io)…
Connexion à developer.myconstellation.io (developer.myconstellation.io)||:443… connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse… 200 OK
Taille : 3520 (3,4K) [application/json]
Sauvegarde en : « /tmp/ConstellationWebPlatformInstaller/versions »

/tmp/ConstellationW 100%[===================>]   3,44K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2017-10-05 12:24:18 (9,07 MB/s) — « /tmp/ConstellationWebPlatformInstaller/versions » sauvegardé [3520/3520]

Downloading Constellation Web Platform Installer for Linux ...
--2017-10-05 12:24:19--  https://developer.myconstellation.io/download/installers/Constellation-Web-Platform-Installer-1.8.17250.tar.gz
Résolution de developer.myconstellation.io (developer.myconstellation.io)…
Connexion à developer.myconstellation.io (developer.myconstellation.io)||:443… connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse… 200 OK
Taille : 8926 (8,7K) [application/x-gzip]
Sauvegarde en : « /tmp/ConstellationWebPlatformInstaller/Constellation-Web-Platform-Installer-1.8.17250.tar.gz »

/tmp/ConstellationW 100%[===================>]   8,72K  --.-KB/s    in 0,001s  

2017-10-05 12:24:19 (11,1 MB/s) — « /tmp/ConstellationWebPlatformInstaller/Constellation-Web-Platform-Installer-1.8.17250.tar.gz » sauvegardé [8926/8926]

Extracting Constellation Web Platform Installer ...
Starting Constellation Web Platform Installer ... 
Authentication in progress ...
Access denied !
Authentication in progress ...
Login OK for marmoul 70
Starting 'install-sentinel.py' (Beta:False)
Welcome to the Constellation Sentinel Installer

This installer will guide you through the installation of the Constellation Sentinel

Click the OK button to continue.
Checking authentication token ...
HTTP Error: 400
Authentication in progress ...
Login OK for marmoul 70
Getting Constellation Sentinel Service ...
Downloading https://developer.myconstellation.io/download/constellation/Constellation-Sentinel-Service- 70|1507200024|QEJM3ma5dBAxoilJRgdDrPGwnnDXpSYUvuUUD7XN9om|ed47098a11be88b7959ed5bcda532180453e2fa8d65424d66612c1e486942dcb
Unable to download the file 'https://developer.myconstellation.io/download/constellation/Constellation-Sentinel-Service- 70|1507200024|QEJM3ma5dBAxoilJRgdDrPGwnnDXpSYUvuUUD7XN9om|ed47098a11be88b7959ed5bcda532180453e2fa8d65424d66612c1e486942dcb'. HTTP Error: 400
Fatal error : Unable to download the component Constellation Sentinel Service

hello @marmoul-70,

Tu as du tombé au mauvais moment (update du serveur ou des composants en cours) :wink: